Our whistleblower policy is an important tool for helping Stephen Sanig Research Institute Limited (SSRI) to identify wrongdoing that may not be uncovered unless there is a safe and secure way to disclose wrongdoing.
SSRI is committed to the highest standards of integrity and conduct. If you are aware of possible wrongdoing we encourage you to disclose this information and will support you in doing so.
SSRI is committed to encouraging the reporting of any instances of suspected unethical, illegal, fraudulent or undesirable conduct involving SSRI’s businesses and provides protections and measures so that people who make a report can do so confidentially and without fear of intimidation, disadvantage or reprisal.
Whistleblowers are encouraged to seek independent advice from a legal practitioner before making a report to ensure they are covered by the whistleblower protections.
SSRI’s Current Whistle-blower policy, approved by the board on 15 May, 2020, can be found at: SSRI Whistleblower Policy
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 02 9209 4117
Mail: PO Box 6127, UNSW SYDNEY NSW 1466