From its inception, the Institute has always been moved by compassion for children who are suffering. Even the name of the Institute commemorates the life of Stephen Sanig, who died of meningococcal septicaemia aged seven. While our research is directed towards the ultimate alleviation of suffering from a variety of disease conditions a number of years hence, we would also like to feel that we are doing what we can to better the lives of those children who are suffering at present.
One way in which we do this is by supporting The “Rainbow Elephant” Project. This project is an initiative of Imaducation Inc for the children in Sydney Children’s Hospital. The “Rainbow Elephant” Project is a volunteer initiative that aims to enrich the lives of children currently hospitalised for whatever reason. The project provides children with exciting workshops, activities, theatre performances and concerts, which are both entertaining and educational, during their stay in hospital. This enables children who are too unwell to leave the hospital to still have their lives enriched by activities that are otherwise readily available to their peers outside of hospital.
To find out more about this initiative or to get involved in supporting the project, please see The “Rainbow Elephant” Project website.