Federal Member Tanya Plibersek visits SSRI
Tanya Plibersek, the Australian Federal Parliament’s Member for Sydney, visited SSRI on 9 July 2009 as part of her tour of the facilities we share with ATP Innovations as her constituents.
During the course of her visit we had opportunity to give her a tour of our laboratories and discuss the significance of our research to the Australian biotechnology industry and its standing in the world. Ms. Plibersek was very interested in the work we are doing and asked many questions that we were very happy to answer.

Ms. Plibersek engaged in discussion with Dr. Kaseko.
By fostering relationships and working together with government, the Institute hopes better to address the needs of the Australian biotech industry, directly improving the quality of lives of Australian families with members working in the industry, as well as the multitude of patients standing to benefit from the products of the industry.

Left to right: Mr. Tal, Dr. Mahaworasilpa, Mr. Millner, Mrs. Sanig, Ms. Plibersek, Dr. Kaseko, Ms. Yoshida